Setting up Flight Controller on Aerojet

The objective of today is to set up Ardupilot with Fixed-Wing.

Ardupilot is a flight controller software that is used to make an unmanned vehicle perform its function. In simple words, it serves an autopilot function. It can be used in boats, rovers, quadcopters, fixed-wing aircraft, and more. 

The Fundamental Technology and Drone Engineering Manual (Kursus Asas Teknologi dan Kejuruteraan Dron) was used to set up the Remote Control and Mission Planner. 

After setting up the remote control and Mission planner, the Ardupilot was attached to Aerojet Model. Batteries we plugged in, elevons were checked. 
The elevons were configured at the Configuring menu in the Elevon Output section. The elevons were tested by switching to stabilize mode.
Encik Zihad and I tried to make sure that the elevons were functioning well in response to the remote control input.

It needs to be noted that an additional calibration has to be done, as picture below.
This can be done by the steps below
Initial setup > Radio Calibration > Pitch 
In the Pitch Calibration, check the Reverse box 

After adding the GPS on the Fixed Wing, and making small adjustments to the elevon, the  Aerojet Model is ready for flight test tomorrow. 
The Aerojet Model will be tested in terms of Manual, Stablize, and Loiter mode.
If successful this will be added to the RC Plane Club's activity module.
Thanking Encik Zihad for guiding me 

Visit the link below for time-lapse of the maiden flight test
